Is Acupuncture effective for muscular pain?
Acupuncture as an adjunct to physiotherapy and always used in conjunction with other treatment techniques and never as a stand alone treatment. . The effects reported include a reduction in muscle spasm, pain, increased local blood flow, reduced inflammation and improved function. The evidence base for acupuncture has been well studied in the past few years with good results particularly in the treatment of arthritic knees and with referred pain from the neck.
For further information regarding studies for Acupuncture Cochrane Library and search by Acupuncture, where you'll find over 120 studies into the effectiveness of acupuncture with some specific musculoskeletal studies.
Did you know? Acupuncture first came to Australia with the gold diggers during the Gold Rush period in the 1880's. Most health funds now rebate for Acupuncture treatments, unlike in the early days with those gold diggers.
So our answer is yes, acupuncture is used to enhance other treatment methods for pain relief and improvement of functional movement through the release of muscular spasm.